Cambiatus Wiki and Documentation
Cambiatus accounts are EOS accounts. In order to create a new user you’ll need to create a new Private Key (and store it safely) and a new Account
On EOS, the blockchain Cambiatus works on, we have the concept of account, that is, a readable 12 character name that identifies an user. That account have a key associated with it.
Our servers will create the account for the pulpero, but not the key. That should be on control of the users and should always be stored on a secure enclave. We recommend you follow the BIP-39 pattern. That pattern is very common in the crypto space and allows the user to store their private key as a 12 english word phrase. You can find instructions and sources for that in here or here. With those words, encoded in Hex, you can create a EOS private key
and public key
Store the private key
and allow the user to see their public key.
You can do it by calling the following endpoint:
curl -X "POST" "<>" \\\\
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \\\\
-d $'{
"account": "testertester",
"activeKey": "EOS5bxc8nWuk3KcDH7mnLERpyL9PT1tcv26tvD4VJg8KHazVVzzMv",
"ownerKey": "EOS5bxc8nWuk3KcDH7mnLERpyL9PT1tcv26tvD4VJg8KHazVVzzMv"
Here is the Ruby implementation if it makes it any easier for you:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
# Create account (POST)
def send_request
uri = URI('<>')
# Create client
http =, uri.port)
dict = {
"account" => "testertester",
"activeKey" => "EOS5bxc8nWuk3KcDH7mnLERpyL9PT1tcv26tvD4VJg8KHazVVzzMv",
"ownerKey" => "EOS5bxc8nWuk3KcDH7mnLERpyL9PT1tcv26tvD4VJg8KHazVVzzMv"
body = JSON.dump(dict)
# Create Request
req =
# Add headers
req.add_field "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"
# Set body
req.body = body
# Fetch Request
res = http.request(req)
puts "Response HTTP Status Code: #{res.code}"
puts "Response HTTP Response Body: #{res.body}"
rescue StandardError => e
puts "HTTP Request failed (#{e.message})"
Remember that the account name must have 12 characters long and allow only downcase letters from a-z and numbers 1-5:
Valid account names:
Invalid account names:
Both activeKey
and ownerKey
must be generated the way we’ve talked before.
You can check if that account was in fact created by running this request:
curl -X "POST" "<>" \\
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \\
-d $'{
"account_name": "fundes111111"