
Cambiatus Wiki and Documentation

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In Cambiatus, users can belong to multiple Communities. We keep track of who invited who in order to get a better grasp on the Social Physics of our communities.

Its described by our network table that can be seemed here.

We allow all users to invite their friends over to the community using their an invitation link, that they can generate on their dashboard. Here is an example:

Developers can also add an account to the network programatically using our API, by calling the action netlink:

function netlink() {
  const authorization = 'devcambiatus@active'
  const data = {
    cmm_asset: '0 XXX',
    new_user: '', // TODO: fill the new account here
    inviter: 'devcambiatus',
    skip_rewards: 1

  eos.contract('').then(contract => {
    contract.netlink(data, authorization).then(action => {
      // TODO: Do something after the user had been successfully invited
    }).catch(e => {